Tuesday, November 11, 2014


In every form, particularly our own forgiveness.
Why do we frett when we take a wrong turn? As I think about that"Why" I recall telling my son when he would begin to unwind over not knowing how to do something perfectly.
Did you think you could jump out of the womb and everything you did - would be perfect?
There is a process, much of the process is learning by mistake.
Truth. It's knowing all the wrong ways as well as the correct ways that will make us an expert.

So I forgive myself, all the big stuff and little stuff.
Like a rebirth. Let's start over.
Much like the emptying of my home for the eventual downsize, I say goodbye to whatever does not suit me at this time in my life.
Feeling remorse or sadness for wrong choices never changed them. I will take solid look at my mistakes and mentally drop them into DELETE can.

It's cold, furnace is barely resting tonight. And I sit here in tshirt and shorts cursing hotflashes.
This makes me chuckle because I realize that menopause could save me money of the heating bill.
If only we could control that annoying unpredictable aspect of the flash!

Good night

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

T Shirt Sewing Projects

Relaxing reading up on crafty projects with T Shirts. Sipping a 24oz coffee from Speedway that I paid $1.79 for. Happy I skipped Caribou, DD and Starbucks up, this coffee flavored with
hazelnut and nutmeg is really good!

But back to the TShirt craft projects, I am so excited to be able to try some of these projects! I have an abundance of TShirts some that should be discarded due to maybe a spot that is unremoveable or even a few that have bleach spots... check out this marvelous blog ; http://tearosehome.blogspot.com/2010/03/tutorial-fabric-flower.html

